Aug 17, 2011

So fork says recurrent cold sores

Recurring herpes mouth inflammation of the clinical manifestations of the oral exam is requiring doctors, the contents of the medical education network collecting organize related content for your reference.
Primary herpes infections after healing, no matter the extent to which the damage, 30% to 50% of cases of recurrent damage may occur. General recurrent infections in the parts of the lips or close to oral place, so fork says recurrent cold sores. Recurrence lips damage has two characteristics:
(1) the damage to the blister began, always is often DuoGe clusters of blister, single blister is rare.
(2) the damage, always in former recurrence had a position, or had had a position nearby. Lure of recurrent stimulating factors, including the sun, more local mechanical damage, especially mild fever, such as colds, etc.
Thick lips during the thin lips, the location of the hidden in the lips of the mucosa and will in fat cells to organize slender, then suture incisions rhombus resection reached an ideal thin lips and, in accordance with the effect with features designed proportion of labial ministry natural form. The surgical incision concealed in the mouth, postoperative don't see in trace, the effect is ideal, thick lips thin postoperative nature coordination, the beauty is generous.
So thick thin lips) surgery is mainly directed against the upper lip and launch, and usually we can do spindle nephrectomy, and the longitudinal rhombus nephrectomy upper lip on this part will be removed to improve thick lips phenomenon. And rhombus nephrectomy is mainly for the surrounding area along the heavy lip of spindle incision, through this part of the upper lip on mucous membrane incision resection and submucosal groups, and layered will wound closure. This operation in the early years was very popular.
In many cases emotional factors can also prompted recurrence. Recurrence of precursor stage, patients can be felt slightly weary and discomfort, damage area have stimulation, burn, itching, tension increase wait for a symptom. About ten hours of less than, appear blister, around the mild spots. Usually, blister sustainable to 24 when, then is broken, and then within is scabby erosion,. From the beginning to the healing of about 10 days, but secondary infection often slow the process of healing, and make damage to appear in small pimple, healing leaves, but can have a scar pigmentation.

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