Aug 22, 2011

Don't do kissing wait too close motion

1. The fever: 10 million don't think the how to treat cold soresexercise a fever, sweating can only so lowers the body immunity, extend the recovery. Don't use ice directly, so that will hurt cooling skin, it is best to a cold towel instead. If the body temperature more than 38 degrees Celsius, appear back pain, headache, or two days did how to treat cold sores not get better, should seek medical advice immediately. Long time fever may indicate the nephritis, pneumonia or meningitis, etc.
2. Stomach: don't drink juice and coffee, they will stimulate the secretion of stomach acid, aggravate symptoms more. Also don't eat protein content difficult digest foods, such as meat. Salads and fruit will absolutely forbidden. The best is hot bubble point fresh ginger drink, can relieve symptoms.
3. Lacerate: 10 million don't blot out the hydrogen peroxide or with alcohol disinfection, they make the wound get drier, delay recovery. Don't squash with the hand, touch the injured area, it will lead to bacterial infection, or even a scar. Better use the soap water cleaning, can effectively prevent infection, then daub diminish inflammation of the ointment, package gauze, let the injured area keep wet, be helpful for rapid cell growth.
4. Cold sores: don't and others were to eat the same thing, with the same cup to drink water how to treat cold sores or, also don't do kissing wait too close motion, because herpes virus can infect. Had better use some vaseline, keep skin moist, prevent weather-shack.
5. Minor burns: 10 million don't scribble alcohol and sesame oil, the former would block the cell growth, the latter is easy to cause infection. Should immediately a cold compress or use cool water wash, and then put on some vaseline, put on the bandage.
6. Sinus pain: don't rely on antibiotics or steroid nasal sprays of. Use a little including physiological saline can remove the nasal spray nose and bacteria; Contain false jute alkali decongestant tablets can rapidly shrinking infection of the blood vessels. But if symptoms for a week or worse, fever, are about to consider to use antibiotic, to avoid bacterial sinus infections.
7. Muscle strain: 10 million don't immediately hot compress, this could cause inflammation. When massaging, don't too hard, so can have the opposite effect. Strain 24-48 hours, the better use the ice a cold compress; Raise the injured area; When reducing pain do some stretching, maintain muscle flexibility.
8. Sore throat: don't rush to eat antibiotics, because most sore throat by virus causes, and antibiotics only the most effective for bacterial infections. Every few hours best with hot brine rinse your mouth a, or drink some honey water toxic substances.
"The nature of oral cancer is developing very fast, general oral ulcer is highly suspected satisfactory in 2 weeks for malignant tumors." According to city hospital medical center director PengGuoGuang oral introduces, the nature of oral cancer etiology mainly has chronic stimulation, such as sharp teeth caries sharp edge and the margin; Bad living habits, etc. One tongue cancer is more see. Tongue cancer early may appear bean little scleroma, gently press will be long-term, and later painless is not more ulcer, along with pain, if the cancer cells gradually infringe upon the surrounding tissue, can cause ear, face ministry, pharynx, etc DuoZhong symptoms appear, mouth, difficulty swallowing, etc.
A disease, when KouChuang: multiple poison type 1 ~ 2 days after disease, asthma symptoms associated with. The beginning of the oral cavity mucous membrane local congestion, swelling, the pain of the tongue or lip, occur within a little red dot chestnut grain appearance or small herpes, 12 hours in the dyke, herpes shallow ulcer, borders. Put to appropriate qingrejiedu, the wet spleen.
Agent: yinhua, forsythia, sweet, PeiLan, agastache rugosaq, poria cocos, divine comedy, ZhiKe, puerarin, white atractylodes, generation ZheShi, britannica (packet Fried), water frying uniform, daily 1 agent.
Second, spleen and stomach heat type: disease see product in your life--red, hot sores, wound pain, swelling and pain is very bad breath gum, with thirsty to drink more, urine yellow constipation, red tongue moss yellow, pulse slippery number. Put to appropriate heat purging fire, stomach heat cleaning.

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