Aug 25, 2011

restore normal physiological function of kidney

Genital herpes why difficult cure? In addition to conventional therapy besides, unfortunately, even in normal hospital, and few doctors will give patients carefully on the knowledge, and modernity epidemiology, let patients know that cause genital herpes, remove the basic knowledge of fear and anxiety, to prevent recurrence is very important!!!!!
Last week, the hospital notice, after heart patient, the younger brother XieKai bone marrow and big sister XieXueJun full conformity of the bone marrow. Know the news, XieXueJun very happy. She said, brother disease such as well, so she is a bit more, she will consider a baby.

But though the marrow, the sister and the success, but XieKai matches the medical treatment still need to ten thousand yuan. They have all borrowed money to relatives, the medical treatment cost and where to raise? The family bewildered.
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is the prime cause genital herpes, this virus have two types: 90% of genital herpes by Ⅱ type of herpes simplex virus (HSV-Ⅱ) cause, another 10% of Ⅰ type of herpes simplex virus (HSV-Ⅰ) cause, HSV-the main pathogenic Ⅱ is cold sores, also is our cold, "fire" in the KouChuang happens.

The two type of virus has a very close relationship, and the people with cold sores oral sex can lead to cross infection. Someone without sex outside of marriage is infected with genital herpes, should consider whether a party between husband and wife in with a mouth when cold sores and genital contact.
Drop turbidity detoxification as the way, to unclog the kidney, activate the kidney function for the purpose. Promote and improve has shrivelled necrosis of the kidney, accelerate the metabolism of kidney disease microcirculation, make the effective ingredient drug fully play their part, repair damaged glomerular, enhance the glomerular heavy absorption, restore normal physiological function of kidney.
HSV has also significantly increased the genital herpes patients infected the AIDS virus (HIV) : the possibility of herpes blister or ulcer provides the intrusion into an easy way.

With genital herpes patient often can't get rid of the psychological effect and recurrent genital herpes can make the home remedies for cold sores person produces emotional depression and anxiety, destroy the victim's social relationships and sex, destroy their self-esteem, in severe cases will cause the clinical depression. Psychological damage more damaging than physical symptoms, so need not only physical therapy, still need psychological consultation, relaxation therapy or pressure control training.

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