Aug 31, 2011

Cold sores prevention and cure measures what

Main is how to look at it how to handle it have a mutual concern and care of interpersonal relationship, stress can cause herpes simplex virus recurrence. High pressure is not the culprit. This is to prevent the best way in high pressure. In addition, learn to control their is also very important.

Cold sores prevention and cure measures what:

Insist on toothbrush dry

Is precisely the herpes simplex expected comfortable environment. The water will help increase the service life of the virus in the toothbrush. Therefore, wet toothbrush with wet the bathroom. Suggest tooth brush in a dry place.

Use small dose of toothpaste

Will because contact and the spread of diseases. Use small dose of toothpaste, toothpaste itself would not spread disease. But if you will contact the pressure in the toothpaste toothbrush oral opening. Can make you more often change toothpaste.

Use vaseline protection

Can use cotton swabs blotted out. But in the cold sores with some vaseline to be protected. Prevent exposure to cold sores finger touch again into the vaseline.


The five times, the younger brother of XieXueJun after chemotherapy XieKai diagnosed with lymphoma. In march this year are diagnosed with leukemia. Because of the delay, the disease of the XieKai chemotherapy time once worse. Early June, XieKai be turned to wuhan tongji hospital treatment.

XieKai oral will decay, large area every chemotherapy. Often a month can not say a few words to lie in bed, to carry out ward father. Depressed, XieKai just write logs. XieKai college exam last year, then in wuhan answer read, can in preparation for the college entrance examination, bad luck again and come to the head.

Best XieKai to do a bone marrow transplant, the doctor suggested. There may be hope of curing.

Wipe out liquid zinc

Glucose sour zinc solution is advantageous to the acceleration affected daub recovery, research suggests. Every half an hour can wipe a, believe that will help.

The sun and wind

Maintenance lips from harm (such as just west, wind) prevention cold sores key. Many experts are pointed out.

Prevent some food

Such as chocolate, music, peas, parking cereal, peanuts, gelatin, cashew, beer. L-arginine is herpes simplex virus essential amino acids. The Vatican should prevent arginine rich food.

Appear a series of syndrome usually have a long course, close to normal renal function is about 10%. Especially urine quantity of changes, the serious influence of patients with renal function. The beauty of kidney disease by Beijing throughout the hospital to you about what to do less urine uremia, hope everybody can nip in the bud, will soon be restored to health.

Eat lettuce

And acidity food. If often suffer from cold sores, eat lettuce, yoghurt milk. Should check whether the lack of thyroid function.

Have a good interpersonal relationship


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