Aug 31, 2011

Cold sores prevention and cure measures what

Main is how to look at it how to handle it have a mutual concern and care of interpersonal relationship, stress can cause herpes simplex virus recurrence. High pressure is not the culprit. This is to prevent the best way in high pressure. In addition, learn to control their is also very important.

Cold sores prevention and cure measures what:

Insist on toothbrush dry

Is precisely the herpes simplex expected comfortable environment. The water will help increase the service life of the virus in the toothbrush. Therefore, wet toothbrush with wet the bathroom. Suggest tooth brush in a dry place.

Use small dose of toothpaste

Will because contact and the spread of diseases. Use small dose of toothpaste, toothpaste itself would not spread disease. But if you will contact the pressure in the toothpaste toothbrush oral opening. Can make you more often change toothpaste.

Use vaseline protection

Can use cotton swabs blotted out. But in the cold sores with some vaseline to be protected. Prevent exposure to cold sores finger touch again into the vaseline.


The five times, the younger brother of XieXueJun after chemotherapy XieKai diagnosed with lymphoma. In march this year are diagnosed with leukemia. Because of the delay, the disease of the XieKai chemotherapy time once worse. Early June, XieKai be turned to wuhan tongji hospital treatment.

XieKai oral will decay, large area every chemotherapy. Often a month can not say a few words to lie in bed, to carry out ward father. Depressed, XieKai just write logs. XieKai college exam last year, then in wuhan answer read, can in preparation for the college entrance examination, bad luck again and come to the head.

Best XieKai to do a bone marrow transplant, the doctor suggested. There may be hope of curing.

Wipe out liquid zinc

Glucose sour zinc solution is advantageous to the acceleration affected daub recovery, research suggests. Every half an hour can wipe a, believe that will help.

The sun and wind

Maintenance lips from harm (such as just west, wind) prevention cold sores key. Many experts are pointed out.

Prevent some food

Such as chocolate, music, peas, parking cereal, peanuts, gelatin, cashew, beer. L-arginine is herpes simplex virus essential amino acids. The Vatican should prevent arginine rich food.

Appear a series of syndrome usually have a long course, close to normal renal function is about 10%. Especially urine quantity of changes, the serious influence of patients with renal function. The beauty of kidney disease by Beijing throughout the hospital to you about what to do less urine uremia, hope everybody can nip in the bud, will soon be restored to health.

Eat lettuce

And acidity food. If often suffer from cold sores, eat lettuce, yoghurt milk. Should check whether the lack of thyroid function.

Have a good interpersonal relationship

Aug 29, 2011

Became the universal accident lips

When the body is met inducing factors such as infection, ultraviolet ray, trauma, such as primary herpes infections after healing. Local cases possible recurrence. Venereal loss in oral general recurrence or close to oral place, so it says recurrent cold sores.

Easy and confusion of the cold sores. The lips of the main problems in winter lip inflammation.

Lip inflammation occurs in labial ministry is the floorboard of the inflammatory disease. According to cause pathological lip can be divided into the sex phlogistic light lip inflammation, allergic lip inflammation, chronic nonspecific labial stomatitis, lip gland sex phlogistic, benign lymphatic proliferative lip granulomatous inflammation, lip lesion.

The light of excessive sun exposure lip inflammation is caused by the labial ministry inflammation. The light of them acute inflammation sex lip with edema, blister, erosion, and itching for features. Scabby

Because XieXueJun body has been bad, the home of every man and his brother did bone marrow heart patient. And pregnant family did not inform her but these matches on the bone marrow were number.

XieXueJun has no mind to the child with her husband to call, at this time. Want to put the fruit of the children take off. Telephone that, her husband to keep silent. But in the channel, the husband or agreed on July 25,, to the hospital as abortion.

Recommendations to prevention, in addition to the symptomatic treatment. Prevent sunlight insolate, use labial ministry is prevented bask in ointment, etc. Allergic contact lip inflammation is allergic constitution happened after the allergen contact allergy and cause an inflammatory disease.

Said erythema, pimples for big blister, oozy, etc. Remove after allergen damage to heal faster. Local symptomatic treatment and oral antihistamine drugs or adrenal cortical hormone can accelerate healing.

Cold sores is by type 1 herpes simplex virus (HSV-1-1 first caused HSV enter human body infections caused by called primary infection.

The respiratory system, cardiovascular system, nervous system, the gastrointestinal tract, etc. Can be affected, uremia can be linked to DuoGe organs and systems. And symptoms also is more to treat cold sores  The earliest of chronic uremic patients feel unwell is don't want to eat, belly uncomfortable, appears later nausea, vomiting, mouth canker, mouth has a urine stink, appear even gastrointestinal hemorrhage.

Only about 10% of patients experienced clinical, most primary infection on the clinical state. Including oral disease called primary herpes loss of mouth inflammation.

Aug 25, 2011

Cause of acute respiratory infection with pneumonia

Sometimes can be heavy, general condition is lighter. But few of death. Heat 3 days to 2 weeks, cough can be extended to six weeks or so. Can have intravascular hemolysis, hemolytic often seen in antifebrile, or occurs in catch cold catch cold.

Can the independent life, the smallest microorganisms pneumoniae was between bacteria and viruses between. Size for 200 nm secretion by the mouth and nose by air, send out and spread by small popular respiratory infections, mainly in children and adolescents, now found in the adult is not rare in autumn and winter is more. Respiratory infections have pharyngitis and bronchitis, a few involving the lungs. The mycoplasma pneumoniae accounts for about one-third of the bacterial pneumonia, or more than 10% of all kinds of pneumonia

Recurrent oral ulcer treatment prescription glove product (hot)

Forsythia 10 grams, prescription: origin, the dwarf lilyturf every 15 grams. Gardenia 9 g, radix scutellariae 6 g, rhubarb, mint, liquorice, light leaves the 3 g.

Daily 1 agent. Local ulcer and boron injection with ice scattered apply. Usage: water frying three times of clothing.

The mycoplasma pneumoniae have what symptom

Have disease slow, 23 weeks incubation period. About a third cases, no symptoms. In order to raise the tube-bronchitis, pneumonia, the form of infection such as inner ear should appear, and with pneumonia to treat cold sores Come on, have a headache, fatigue, early have sore throat, chills, fever, muscle pain, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, headache significant.

Because he and his wife insisted. More than 50 years old driver of change to master lu doctor all surprise. And all of this.

Master lu under after night shift to attend the funeral of colleagues, in March 2006. After go home a headache, head right numbness, with symptoms such as nausea and vomiting was diagnosed with large area, and large brainstem stroke cross-sectional bleeding. Several times during the court, ill and after nearly two months of treatment, consciousness began to return to normal, but slow, can only BingWo in bed.

Up to $39 ℃. 23 days later apparent respiratory symptoms, fever height is differ. Such as how to treat cold sores paroxysmal cough, cough a small amount of comfort or mucus sticky phlegm, sometimes purulent sputum blood in phlegm. Fever sustainable 23 weeks. Medical teaching | education | net collected after returning to normal heat can be testament cough, with pain, but not under the sternum chest pain.

Pharynx moderate and congestion. Inner ear should always have congestion, physical examination reealed mild congestion, runny nose. About 15% have an infection. Cervical "can enlargement. A few cases have maculopapule, lupus or cold sores. Chest general have no obvious abnormity signs, about half can smell dry or wet sex detect rales, about 10% 15% of cases happened a few pleural effusion.

restore normal physiological function of kidney

Genital herpes why difficult cure? In addition to conventional therapy besides, unfortunately, even in normal hospital, and few doctors will give patients carefully on the knowledge, and modernity epidemiology, let patients know that cause genital herpes, remove the basic knowledge of fear and anxiety, to prevent recurrence is very important!!!!!
Last week, the hospital notice, after heart patient, the younger brother XieKai bone marrow and big sister XieXueJun full conformity of the bone marrow. Know the news, XieXueJun very happy. She said, brother disease such as well, so she is a bit more, she will consider a baby.

But though the marrow, the sister and the success, but XieKai matches the medical treatment still need to ten thousand yuan. They have all borrowed money to relatives, the medical treatment cost and where to raise? The family bewildered.
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is the prime cause genital herpes, this virus have two types: 90% of genital herpes by Ⅱ type of herpes simplex virus (HSV-Ⅱ) cause, another 10% of Ⅰ type of herpes simplex virus (HSV-Ⅰ) cause, HSV-the main pathogenic Ⅱ is cold sores, also is our cold, "fire" in the KouChuang happens.

The two type of virus has a very close relationship, and the people with cold sores oral sex can lead to cross infection. Someone without sex outside of marriage is infected with genital herpes, should consider whether a party between husband and wife in with a mouth when cold sores and genital contact.
Drop turbidity detoxification as the way, to unclog the kidney, activate the kidney function for the purpose. Promote and improve has shrivelled necrosis of the kidney, accelerate the metabolism of kidney disease microcirculation, make the effective ingredient drug fully play their part, repair damaged glomerular, enhance the glomerular heavy absorption, restore normal physiological function of kidney.
HSV has also significantly increased the genital herpes patients infected the AIDS virus (HIV) : the possibility of herpes blister or ulcer provides the intrusion into an easy way.

With genital herpes patient often can't get rid of the psychological effect and recurrent genital herpes can make the home remedies for cold sores person produces emotional depression and anxiety, destroy the victim's social relationships and sex, destroy their self-esteem, in severe cases will cause the clinical depression. Psychological damage more damaging than physical symptoms, so need not only physical therapy, still need psychological consultation, relaxation therapy or pressure control training.

Aug 24, 2011

Women often run into all kinds of trouble

1 period, waist pain
Most women in period has more or less the waist sour, waist pain phenomenon, that is because body weak, liver and kidney deficiency, stasis caused by air. Serious when feeling the waist as rope as tight and tie up again, to gradually alleviate pain later.
Can use the method of moist heat to adjust: supine, hot wet towel to don't drop (for degrees) mat in pain and slightly below the waist the lumbosacral region, it put a pouchof hot water, heat for 10 minutes, then respectively in the heat for 10 minutes. On both sides of the waist
Tip: period do not force beat back, waist back after tapping, can make by pelvic congestion, speed up the blood flow, further cause menstruation to too much or too long period, but low back pain more severe.
2, menstrual pain
Existing symptoms, first to use the blister 10 minutes, then apply ice packs with a 5 minutes, repeatedly 2 times, can restrain blister swelling; And then put some tea tree oil. In addition, taking 1000 mg lysine every day (three times) served, also can make blister contraction become dry.
If be regular out, can go to the herpes open some lysine taking.
Before and after period during menstruation, or if JingXie have deficiency, and will cause the gynecology organ blood operation impeded, appear next abdominal pain, pain and falling leukoencephalopathy and cold pain, so when the phenomenon menstrual pain in a fennel wine regulate: take cumin, green husk 15 grams each wash, in 250 grams of yellow rice wine for 3 days, serve.
15 to 30 grams each drink, 2 times a day, if can not drink, usable vinegar instead. Can ShuGan, regulating qi to the lower abdomen bilge painful period in advance, wait for disease has alleviate function.

Aug 23, 2011

Three degrees of deep feeling kiss his deceased wife statue

Don't want to be dead hand of the paparazzi following the tracks of the godfather, fashion marc jacobs and gay couples to west Hollywood that Ivy cate restaurant. Jacobs pour also cooperate, straight-tempered boyfriend and passionate kissing to take a paparazzi enough.
It was with the herpes virus, British girl, Melissa for graham in a party kissed a strange boy. Almost died. The 18 years of age, Melissa two years ago in a school party kissed a handsome boy, however, a few days later, and his lips began to the fierce ache. Melissa immediately to the hospital, originally that a kiss to let her have herpes virus, causing the cold sores. A nurse gave her (antibiotic penicillin, ampicillin however, Melissa lips herpes not only didn't ease, we encountered the more serious allergic reaction, Melissa lips blister and swelling, and started to become impetigo.
In front of hundreds of people with "or" cold sores treatment kissing someone's feet, if let you naked * body hand holds rose kiss trash can. Dare? Mr. WuZiJie named the, in kunming nanping pedestrian street through the people hardly imagine things.
This is called "ask the way" of the planning performance art. Bystanders, according to understand. He enjoys a bold, but someone more DuoRen in question this is hype, or otherwise purpose. Show

Pressure weakened immune system function

If you feel exhausted for weeks, sore throats, probably because the pressure weakened immune system function and makes germs is easier to enter the body, cause respiratory tract disease.
Countermeasures: pay attention to take measures to prevent the cold measures, such as: more water, insist to use cool water wash her hands and face, do not let hand contact the mouth, nose and eyes. Traditional Chinese medicine against cold, such as garlic and its etc, can in the virus invades an effective defense early action.
In addition, keep happy mood also is very important. For those who tend to feel depressed people, often go outside for a walk, and will let the mood better, if to do exercise is better.
Rubella virus infection symptoms: the respiratory infection symptoms, typical for mild fever, card he symptoms (cough, runny nose, sneezing, stuffy nose, etc), skin rashes, ear hind and neck lymph node enlargement.
Risk: if the pregnancy suffer rubella, fetal often occur cataract, small eye disease, heart disease, and revealed microcephaly, congenital anomalies.

Symptoms 2: a headache
The tensions are primary sources of migraine. Usually 10 women of different degree with a migraine, but the people with migraine, only half will be sought treatment. People have different views on the cause of migraine, generally speaking, if you feel around home remedies for cold soreseyes and pain, nausea, probably migraine precursor.
Countermeasures: first should not rely on analgesic drugs, lest reduce after a growing headache. The right way is: last months take the medicine twice a week, form laws, and gradually reduce medication, such as number four days or 7 days time; Second, can add some vitamin B2 prevention; Finally, but also pay attention to eat less cheese, wine, nuts and meat food.

After childbirth goes out of the newborn to rescue

Do amniotic fluid may occur diagnosis what dangerous?????
Amniotic fluid process in general is safe, though there are cause damage, injury, maternal fetus placenta and umbilical cord, amniotic fluid leakage, miscarriage or premature birth, palace of the infection risk, but the proportion is not more than 1/200.
Around the world, about 50 million people have herpes labiali. If you for a long time at work overload condition, with the possibility of lips herpes would increase.
Countermeasures: found a blister symptoms, use first ice packs apply 10 minutes, then 5 minutes away, and 2 times, can restrain blister swelling; And then put some tea tree oil. In addition, taking 1000 mg lysine every day (three times) served, also can make blister contraction become dry.
If be regular out of herpes, can go to open some women lysine taking.

On abortion
Embarrassing things four: "I am pregnant five months, the doctor asked me if I had the contractions feeling, I said no. I sometimes feel belly hardening, is this is the doctor said contractions? Or should I worry?"
And other muscles, uterus as they often shrink. Even though you have not pregnant, it also will shrink. Just, you won't feel this contraction usually. Pregnant four months later, when the uterus expands, some women will be felt this contract. Feel constricted, slightly unwell, not the pain. It gave birth to the child with the contractions completely is not the same thing. Birth contractions at the top from the womb to the increasing, then is the central to the cervical launched under infants (in this process, the womb to the waist pressure will).
Birth contractions very ache, and time is short, apart you won't feel real "contractions of the".
"Take the plane can cause premature birth? I heard that some airlines don't allow pregnant women." flight
Airlines are allowed to more than eight months pregnant women, but if the doctor flight that this is the only as emergency vehicles, the airline is allows you to board the aircraft. Elevation and the vibration of the aircraft will not cause the premature birth. Airlines just think in the air production can make feel uncomfortable pregnant women. But, in thehow to treat cold sores  eight months pregnant, before the plane is the best transport. But try to avoid long distance travel (including long train and bus trip), because of a long sitting position can affect your blood circulation.

Aug 22, 2011

New York dentist told you teeth cleaning secret recipe

New York dentist told you teeth cleaning secret recipe: "slice, and then in the strawberry back and forth on the teeth can remove the friction surface besmirch." teeth Of course, small strawberry certainly can't bring you star smile, but at least it can effectively remove the ugly coffee stains on the teeth and cigarette stains and makes you smile more confident.
2, toothpaste treat herpes:
Famous London skin care experts ArezooKaviani said: "if you got cold sores, toothpaste, it might try to analgesia and cure wound effective."
Three, spleen and kidney Yang type: see your breath was born in sore ulcer was white, not red, much less around buy wow power leveling, guides, not with the temperature, dry mouth limbs or hot, low back pain, urinary frequency qing long, loose stools, tongue light moss white greasy, weak pulse sink. Put to appropriate removing spleen and kidney, getting to the source.
Agent: the attached sheet (first 30 minutes), Fried cinnamon 3, cultivated land, dogberry, yam, Dan skin, poria cocos, alisma cangzhu water frying, clothing, daily 1 agent.
Four, spleen and stomach weak type: see your breath was born in sores repeated attacks, wound is lubricious weak sag, with god, do not think of food tired shortness of breath, not the temperature, defecate rare limbs takes place, tongue light moss, thin white veins. Put to appropriate fill in the spleen yiqi, the wet.
Agent: astragalus membranaceus, dangshen, angelica, dried tangerine or orange home remedies for cold sores peel, radix, cohosh, agastache rugosaq, poria cocos, white atractylodes, liquorice, water frying uniform, daily 1 agent.

3, ice milk relieve burnt:
Ice water and milk with a will than a mixing ratio, and then dipped into the a clean home remedies for cold sores piece of cloth. Will completely wet cloth apply is in burns or doing the parts of the pain, it can relieve skin pain.
4, disinfection tablets clean a:
Famous MarianNewman nail salon workers of a secret recipe clean is incredibly baby disinfection tablets. "Will the baby disinfection tablets dissolve in the warm water, then fingernail in about 10 minutes, so simple!"
5, save nail polish:
Idle nail polish solidification, becomes thicker? Don't worry, will put in boiling home remedies for cold sores water, a nail polish you can resume previous will slide sense. Thin After you use don't forget to put it in the freezer, so that the next time you use of the time will not in trouble.

Don't do kissing wait too close motion

1. The fever: 10 million don't think the how to treat cold soresexercise a fever, sweating can only so lowers the body immunity, extend the recovery. Don't use ice directly, so that will hurt cooling skin, it is best to a cold towel instead. If the body temperature more than 38 degrees Celsius, appear back pain, headache, or two days did how to treat cold sores not get better, should seek medical advice immediately. Long time fever may indicate the nephritis, pneumonia or meningitis, etc.
2. Stomach: don't drink juice and coffee, they will stimulate the secretion of stomach acid, aggravate symptoms more. Also don't eat protein content difficult digest foods, such as meat. Salads and fruit will absolutely forbidden. The best is hot bubble point fresh ginger drink, can relieve symptoms.
3. Lacerate: 10 million don't blot out the hydrogen peroxide or with alcohol disinfection, they make the wound get drier, delay recovery. Don't squash with the hand, touch the injured area, it will lead to bacterial infection, or even a scar. Better use the soap water cleaning, can effectively prevent infection, then daub diminish inflammation of the ointment, package gauze, let the injured area keep wet, be helpful for rapid cell growth.
4. Cold sores: don't and others were to eat the same thing, with the same cup to drink water how to treat cold sores or, also don't do kissing wait too close motion, because herpes virus can infect. Had better use some vaseline, keep skin moist, prevent weather-shack.
5. Minor burns: 10 million don't scribble alcohol and sesame oil, the former would block the cell growth, the latter is easy to cause infection. Should immediately a cold compress or use cool water wash, and then put on some vaseline, put on the bandage.
6. Sinus pain: don't rely on antibiotics or steroid nasal sprays of. Use a little including physiological saline can remove the nasal spray nose and bacteria; Contain false jute alkali decongestant tablets can rapidly shrinking infection of the blood vessels. But if symptoms for a week or worse, fever, are about to consider to use antibiotic, to avoid bacterial sinus infections.
7. Muscle strain: 10 million don't immediately hot compress, this could cause inflammation. When massaging, don't too hard, so can have the opposite effect. Strain 24-48 hours, the better use the ice a cold compress; Raise the injured area; When reducing pain do some stretching, maintain muscle flexibility.
8. Sore throat: don't rush to eat antibiotics, because most sore throat by virus causes, and antibiotics only the most effective for bacterial infections. Every few hours best with hot brine rinse your mouth a, or drink some honey water toxic substances.
"The nature of oral cancer is developing very fast, general oral ulcer is highly suspected satisfactory in 2 weeks for malignant tumors." According to city hospital medical center director PengGuoGuang oral introduces, the nature of oral cancer etiology mainly has chronic stimulation, such as sharp teeth caries sharp edge and the margin; Bad living habits, etc. One tongue cancer is more see. Tongue cancer early may appear bean little scleroma, gently press will be long-term, and later painless is not more ulcer, along with pain, if the cancer cells gradually infringe upon the surrounding tissue, can cause ear, face ministry, pharynx, etc DuoZhong symptoms appear, mouth, difficulty swallowing, etc.
A disease, when KouChuang: multiple poison type 1 ~ 2 days after disease, asthma symptoms associated with. The beginning of the oral cavity mucous membrane local congestion, swelling, the pain of the tongue or lip, occur within a little red dot chestnut grain appearance or small herpes, 12 hours in the dyke, herpes shallow ulcer, borders. Put to appropriate qingrejiedu, the wet spleen.
Agent: yinhua, forsythia, sweet, PeiLan, agastache rugosaq, poria cocos, divine comedy, ZhiKe, puerarin, white atractylodes, generation ZheShi, britannica (packet Fried), water frying uniform, daily 1 agent.
Second, spleen and stomach heat type: disease see product in your life--red, hot sores, wound pain, swelling and pain is very bad breath gum, with thirsty to drink more, urine yellow constipation, red tongue moss yellow, pulse slippery number. Put to appropriate heat purging fire, stomach heat cleaning.

Aug 18, 2011

The metal content area more than some land mineral deposits

Deep sea "chimney" by volcanic activity heating water from below the seabed carry out of metal sulfide formation. The team used remote remote underwater robot (rovs) dip below the cliff side cover bacteria mucus, until found out from under quilted smoke, found that high "chimney".
A magnifying glass: deep sea, crater... Sounds away from us is still far off, but in the future one day, this bottom can not only make their scientific research, also can let benefit enterprise benefit.
Such as these '" many areas of the chimney metal content more than some land mines, has certain economic development potential. In addition, here has the rich Marine biodiversity, a series of life to high pressure of environment and dark strange sea creatures, including orange shrimp, squirming worms, similar eel fish and spiral bacteria pad. Looking forward to, to explore the depths of the sea, can we find the mystery more wonderful.
Panacea is very painful.i think
And pay close attention to the United States at the Massachusetts institute of technology's scientists may have found a "universal medicine", from the common cold to the AIDS virus and other anything you can think of, the virus can cure.
Many is not very formal beauty salon will recommend you use some available whitening products, avoid by all means is not in order to figure a straight to the skin damage caused by cannot save. The harmful components may let you skin short-term turned white, but as time goes on, some splash ah sensitive symptoms will be more is bothering you, what is more about your skin to devastating damage.

Lab tests found that the medicine will directional tracking infected cells, allowing them to self-destruct. The name of the drug to cure DRACO list of disease including the flu, polio, a kind of intestines and stomach bacteria and deadly leather heat up to 15 kinds of virus. In addition, it also is expected to cure the measles and rubella, cold sores, rabies, furthermore, DRACO also won't cause any harm to healthy cells. The new medicine may be in 10 years appear drugstore aisles.
So, at this thinking mode, someone to scold, that if a woman gave birth to a son, is not derailed divorce, also want to raise son too depressive too hard, a daughter and can't satisfy the psychological need? Actually we don't have, or a girl friend back: life of men like find lover, born of the boy more like men directly seek a young lady.
A magnifying glass: nostrums, suddenly a listen to, a bit like "secrete recipe, combines". Many people would first reaction, and you sucker deception?

Immune cell defects and humoral immune defect HSV

What genital herpes immunology? The prevention and cure of genital herpes what help? Beijing changhong hospital urology experts, patients with the introduction of HSV reaction how will directly affect the body if the severity of the illness and infection, latent infections develop and maintain and HSV recurrence frequency. If patients have the cellular immune defects and humoral immune defects of HSV infection are serious, illness that antibodies and cell mediated mediated immune response to HSV patients is very important. The animal experiment proves, T lymphocytes, NK cells and macrophages in the prevention of HSV diffusion in plays the leading role, antibody is to reduce the amount of virus in the nerve tissue
In given conditions, the specificity of polyclonal antibody HSV, HSV monoclonal antibodies, are already contact HSV antigen lymphocytes and in view of the viral antigens cloning T cell have protection from nervous system diseases or ganglion latent infections. The host immune response in HSV pathogenesis may also plays a role, HSV antigen cellular immune response involves DuoZhong cells, such as natural killer cells and macrophages, T lymphocyte subsets and by these cells produce a lymphoid factor. To animal passive input had contact with HSV antigen lymphocytes, and garnish with virus attack, animals can be protected without morbidity. Maximum protection need to activate DuoZhong T cells subsets.
University of Denver marriage and family research center director Howard? MaErKe mann and Scott? Stanley since 1996, he began to the Denver area 306 couples to carry on the long-term research, trying to find out the play together with a happy marriage and relationships. They finally chose to marriage in 197 in the second year of the husband and wife of the questionnaire for analysis.
Psychologists MaErKe mann says, play and a happy marriage significant and close relationship between husband and wife, two people together have fun, the more time the happier marriage. And play together for men is more important. Survey found that men were more like his own "the other half" called "best friend". And watch TV, Internet, such as the individual activities, the happiness in marriage nothing.
Recently the United States "journal archives of sexual behavior KanWen points out, in the long run, hugging and kissing intimacy for men and way more important, especially in the marriage of more than 10 years of family, intimacy can bring man more happiness.
Indiana university institute of gold and researchers in the United States, Germany, Spain, Japan and Brazil's 1000 couples to carry on the investigation, they live together in a year's time-51 years, half of them live in between 25 years. Respondents age 40 to 70 years old in between. The researchers examined in the past month kiss and embrace between husband and wife, touch and sex, and the number of the happiness of marriage they test. The results found that often kiss and embrace male happiness considerably higher, and women, not much difference. However, women feel happy times greater effect on sex.
Beijing changhong hospital urology experts said, through to the herpes damage to research shows that, CD8T lymphocytes participate in the control of infection, the newborn, the infection HSV gamma-interferon expression is significantly delayed. Interferon may have direct antiviral effect or may activate other nonspecific effect cells.
Primary infection, the use of radioimmunoassay and antibody poisoning experiment, rely on cells in symptoms can be detected 4 days HSV IgG antibodies. And not rely on the complement and antibodies and CF antibody usually symptoms 2-3 weeks after the measure. Infection can be measured the early to HSV specific IgM IgM for 8 weeks, but in the latent infections and asymptomatic infections is not measured in IgM. Usually, asymptomatic infected with HIV and the recurrence of herpes will HSV IgG, or IgA antibody drops IgM no difference degree.
Recently, the detection antibody IgG subtypes of the early of genital herpes IgG infection, again hair also can be detected, and IgG2, 3, 4, early in the infection from but not detection. In addition, some interesting is IgG4 report, women than men are high frequency detection, but some chased try this test but get different results. And by that method can be detected a blot. The specific protein antibody, HSV containing 5-6 kinds of glycoprotein, including immune source sex protein, HSV-1 have 23, HSV-Ⅱ, there are 10-15, but for this kind of protein antibody in clinical meaning is unclear.

Aug 17, 2011

So fork says recurrent cold sores

Recurring herpes mouth inflammation of the clinical manifestations of the oral exam is requiring doctors, the contents of the medical education network collecting organize related content for your reference.
Primary herpes infections after healing, no matter the extent to which the damage, 30% to 50% of cases of recurrent damage may occur. General recurrent infections in the parts of the lips or close to oral place, so fork says recurrent cold sores. Recurrence lips damage has two characteristics:
(1) the damage to the blister began, always is often DuoGe clusters of blister, single blister is rare.
(2) the damage, always in former recurrence had a position, or had had a position nearby. Lure of recurrent stimulating factors, including the sun, more local mechanical damage, especially mild fever, such as colds, etc.
Thick lips during the thin lips, the location of the hidden in the lips of the mucosa and will in fat cells to organize slender, then suture incisions rhombus resection reached an ideal thin lips and, in accordance with the effect with features designed proportion of labial ministry natural form. The surgical incision concealed in the mouth, postoperative don't see in trace, the effect is ideal, thick lips thin postoperative nature coordination, the beauty is generous.
So thick thin lips) surgery is mainly directed against the upper lip and launch, and usually we can do spindle nephrectomy, and the longitudinal rhombus nephrectomy upper lip on this part will be removed to improve thick lips phenomenon. And rhombus nephrectomy is mainly for the surrounding area along the heavy lip of spindle incision, through this part of the upper lip on mucous membrane incision resection and submucosal groups, and layered will wound closure. This operation in the early years was very popular.
In many cases emotional factors can also prompted recurrence. Recurrence of precursor stage, patients can be felt slightly weary and discomfort, damage area have stimulation, burn, itching, tension increase wait for a symptom. About ten hours of less than, appear blister, around the mild spots. Usually, blister sustainable to 24 when, then is broken, and then within is scabby erosion,. From the beginning to the healing of about 10 days, but secondary infection often slow the process of healing, and make damage to appear in small pimple, healing leaves, but can have a scar pigmentation.

Genital herpes the neonatal herpes morbidity

According to the survey, nearly delivery pregnant women (i.e. first infection of primary happened) genital herpes the neonatal herpes rate was 30%-50%, but before there is recurrent herpes the neonatal morbidity pregnant women is only 3%. So that has had the HSV serum antibodies-2 the newborn pregnant women of infections occurred as a low-risk don't blindly fear. Avoid inducing factors can reduce the recurrence, such as colds, tension, too tight underwear friction and lead to loss of immunity factors.
If the normal mentality to treat genital herpes, in regular dermatological department of hospital treatment, many patients in about 5 years its incidence frequency will be less and less. Hope the disease patients don't be some to profit for the purpose of medical institutions and cause heavy cheats out the psychological burden.
Thick lip thin art is a kind of simple and the effect lasting surgery, but after the surgery will have swelling phenomenon, for this phenomenon we don't have to worry too much about the, the swelling persists for a period of time after the spontaneous regression, because incision in labial ministry is therefore in the after surgery for a period of time as far as possible some liquid food, in order to avoid the wound is infection. Even rupture As far as possible in the rest more, speak little.
Herpes belong to double the hammer throw DNA genetic tumor virus, variety, and lurking in the human body di ganglion and nuclei, each virus in their genetic code.
So according to traditional treatments (laser, frozen, besmear medicine, bureau, can give consideration to seal), cause illness repeated attacks, which eventually led to the evil change, for many patients with recurrent heart with shadows. In recent years, along with the rapid development of genetic engineering, especially the application of antiviral genetic engineering, already was cured recurrent herpes opens up a new way, as our famous irology specialists, urology department director ZhengJinRong professor at assessment: "antiviral genetic engineering application has become the 21 st century the main direction of virus treatment and trend."
Expert introduction, want thin lips, through the thick thin lips) will get the improvement. In the thick thin lips, the doctor will according to the patient before the actual situation to the fine design, according to the width of the organization to red lips resection design, the design of the incision incision and note radian, to realize the thin lips after effect and beautiful double harvest.
Condyloma herpes treatment center inheritance antiviral new ideas and new method, and combining with of researches on the development and achievements in the patient's own herpes, infected type and their own genetic analysis, we developed a set of the latest cure recurrent herpes therapy-" 301 light move gene targeting therapy ".

Have herpes and asymptomatic carrier history is also of infection

2, after getting herpes, whether in has herpes attack symptoms, or without symptoms, all can be contagious. For patients with the onset of herpes appeared, whether facial herpes or genital herpes, from the attack began to last the ulcer healing, all should think is contagious. Face no herpes lesions (such as cold sores) is also a kind of infection, can spread through oral sex.
Therefore, if sex with facial herpes attack, should avoid to oral sex. Without symptoms, although infections during discharge poison has no obvious, but can be detected is contagious virus particle emissions. Asymptomatic detoxification can't know in advance, but now known asymptomatic detoxification time accounts for at least 5% of asymptomatic stage.
3, a few cases, long-term relationship may, in the spouse first appeared herpes symptoms. Usually this is due to the spouses of the one party or both parties consist of HSV carriers, but they did not realize this. Herpes doesn't indicate that happen suddenly is the newly spouse from outside relationships outside marriage or the others infect on the disease.
Thick lips refers to her lower lip of the upper lip on a single or both thick lips or labial margin, bow lips red and white rim to mucosa at the junction of the spacing widened, through the thick lip thin surgery can improve thick lips this form. So thin lips get surgery ok? Next, please reshaping expert introduce!!!!!
4, HSV-1 the results of saliva and how to treat cold soresoften travel, and HSV-2 is almost a sexual contact transmission. The symptoms occur in herpes avoid sexual contact with herpes attack in sex break condoms, by doing this can with the spread of the TTP between herpes opportunity.
Beijing treat herpes center experts sweet remind: genital herpes, but it was repeated attacks, and have no special effects "about" material control, together with unbearable even "about" which was unable to stop burning pain, often make sample local how to treat cold soresproduce heavy patients the psychological burden.
They fear the pain, fear to infect a sexual relationship with the people, be afraid of cancer. Primary or after happen genital herpes may be associated with dysuria, acute urinary retention, herpes sex BiaoJu, encephalitis, endometritis.
The lips is too thick to how good-looking? This is a lot of people are more concerned with. Too thick lips, hard to avoid can affect the person's face is beautiful. There are a lot of those seeking beauty because do not satisfied with their lip shape, but the worry, then, is too thick lips should be how to correct? Wuhan is stripping the experts for everyone to introduce.

Aug 16, 2011

Genital herpes main cause for sex

1, genital herpes infections was very strong
All that and had herpes man produce one-off behavior of female friend, about 60-80% can be affected. The serious harm, and attack rate high, now no special effects treatment, still can cause female friends not pregnant, or death. Now, many scholars thought neck cancer and cancer cases and virus infection have close relations, so everyone very large triggered attention.
2, genital herpes main cause for sex
Patients and no performance with the virus is the main source. In the adult, the positive rate of antibodies to the viruses are higher. Usually with about 10-70%, main company along with the social economy status and the situation and change. A survey shows that in the social economic position is too low in women, genital herpes within the emissions of 0.4, 1.33%. Someone for a group of prostitutes do inspection found genital tract, genital herpes virus that discharge rate reached 12%, 70% of the prostitutes contains genital herpes virus. Visible generation and sexual behavior of a significant association.
3. Genital herpes pathogens very subtle
Herpes simplex virus diameter is about 120, 150 microns, contains the DNA by nuclear to middle, arranged in the capsule, to the body is three concentric shells, clothing, garments shell structure surface for 162 a shell of a 3:3:2 particles of axisymmetric 20 surface body, the body is composed by fiber were sometimes comes from the nucleus, sometimes from cell membranes, and cell membrane lipid components contained within, so the herpes simplex virus to ether and lipid solvent is very sensitive. In high temperature and low PH are not stable in low temperature, can exist a few months, hot and humid 50 ℃ and 90 ℃ dry, half an hour inactivated.
Above is the gyungin hospital experts to think and health often companion understand the real genital herpes characteristics of the detailed introduction of the problem, the hope can be of some help to you, in addition, Beijing gyungin hospital sweet remind: genital herpes treatment principle to and, enough, regular treatment is given priority to, the ultimate purpose is to thoroughly cure, blindly treatment costs often can save delay, damage their health condition. There is genital herpes treatment after finish please check regularly. Promise: and in our hospital for treatment of patients, the doctor right finish treatment under the guidance of the patients to rehabilitation, 3-5 years recurrence free treatment.
Everything for "drug", but it is the United States DRACO scientists use the cell natural defense ability to resist infection and the development of a DuoZhong virus infection drugs against. Design principle is a virus is the cell suicide, thus preventing infection, and do not harm of healthy cells. To cure diseases including nasal virus, influenza, polio, a kind of intestines and stomach bacteria and deadly dengue fever, measles and rubella, cold sores, rabies, etc.
Accept experimental three volunteers are chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) in the later stage of the patients. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia is a kind of lymphocytes malignant proliferative disease patients, late general can only hope that bone marrow or stem cell transplantation, but transplantation therapy is extremely high, and the risk is not necessarily work. Scientists had previously with the gene technology transformation in the body to fight the virus used for the T cells, but because the transformation of T cells after breeding not beautiful, and human body defense system by "encirclement and suppression" campaign have little effect.
Serial hunting cancer cells
June team continue to use T cells to treat cancer, but the idea to the T cells more effective evaluation, which can not only in a short time, and many breed can form their own "memory", permanent track all of them malignant blood, and thus constantly ease B cells of the patient. A simple analogy, the therapeutic principle as if let the hunting dog smelt smell of prey, the hunting dog will after track targets. June team success will T cells transformed into leukemia cell "ChaoSha tracking serial killer".

Cells in the prevention of HSV diffusion in plays a main role

In given conditions, the specificity of polyclonal antibody HSV, HSV monoclonal antibodies, are already contact HSV antigen lymphocytes and in view of the viral antigens how to treat cold sores  cloning T cell have protection from nervous system diseases or ganglion latent infections. The host immune response in HSV pathogenesis may also plays a role, HSV antigen cellular immune response involves DuoZhong cells, such as natural killer cells and macrophages, T lymphocyte subsets and by these cells produce a lymphoid factor. To animal passive input had contact with HSV antigen lymphocytes, and garnish with virus attack, animals can be protected without morbidity. Maximum protection need to activate DuoZhong T cells subsets.
Beijing changhong hospital urology experts said, through to the herpes damage to research shows that, CD8T lymphocytes participate in the control of infection, the newborn, the infection HSV gamma-interferon expression is significantly delayed. Interferon may have direct antiviral effect or may activate other nonspecific effect cells.
Primary infection, the use of radioimmunoassay and antibody poisoning experiment, rely on cells in symptoms can be detected 4 days HSV IgG antibodies. And not rely how to treat cold sores on the complement and antibodies and CF antibody usually symptoms 2-3 weeks after the measure. Infection can be measured the early to HSV specific IgM IgM for 8 weeks, but in the latent infections and asymptomatic infections is not measured in IgM. Usually, asymptomatic infected with HIV and the recurrence of herpes will HSV IgG, or IgA antibody drops IgM no difference degree.
Recently, the detection antibody IgG subtypes of the early of genital herpes IgG infection, again hair also can be detected, and IgG2, 3, 4, early in the infection from but not detection. In addition, some interesting is IgG4 report, women than men are high frequency detection, but some chased try this test but get different results. And by that method can be detected a blot. The specific protein antibody, HSV containing 5-6 kinds of glycoprotein, including immune source sex protein, HSV-1 have 23, HSV-Ⅱ, there are 10-15, but for this kind of protein antibody in clinical meaning is unclear.
Leukemia is human body itself hematopoietic organization happened serious pathological changes, always all is the major problem of the medical profession, but researchers in the United States a new kind of gene therapy is to conquer leukemia brought the how to treat cold soresmorning light. This experiment is the university of Pennsylvania gene therapy experts Karl June led research team, August 10 issue of the New England journal of medicine and science translational medicine-" all published their experimental results.
According to the American media 10 days of reports, scientists at the university of Pennsylvania in the experiment the three successful kill the cancer cells in the body test. New type of gene therapy in different to stimulate the immune system as the main way of traditional treatments, but focused more on "additional one from the external new immune system". With a new gene therapy with only a one-time attack ability of the virus attack specific tumor cells, obtain good clinical curative effect.

Aug 15, 2011

Maybe able to cure the common cold virus infection such as disease

Lab tests found that the drug will directional tracking infected cells, allowing them to self-destruct. The name of the drug to cure DRACO list of disease including nasal virus (cause half the adult and almost all of the children's cold, flu bacterium, polio, a kind of intestines and stomach bacteria and deadly leather on hot. In addition, it also is expected to cure the measles and rubella, cold sores, rabies, the new medicine may be in 10 years appear drugstore aisles.
The researchers said: "mike riddle a virus that it may not function, but at present we have found no antibiotics. Found the bacteria infection revolutionize treatment method, we hope this latest discovery will completely change the virus infection treatment. No too many antiviral drugs." Riddle's natural defenses of cells ability to resist infection. Virus infection human body, it will "hijacked" cells used for himself, using their internal material duplicate. The process also will produce double-stranded RNA genetic material.
Our cells will take steps to protect ourselves, they generate can "capture" viral RNA of protein, preventing them from continue to copy. But a lot of the virus to be able to "avoid" the defense system. For this, dr. Using the second choice riddle natural defense system-cell apoptosis, in this process, the cells will commit suicide. His drugs can directional tracking double-stranded RNA, to prevent infections continue, thus kill infected cells, heal infection. According to published in the public library of science journal comprehensive report said, DRACO won't cause any harm to healthy cells.
In the laboratory during the trial, DRACO killed 15 kinds of virus success, including can cause the common cold and two types of flu virus. In addition, it also save the flu virus is lethal doses of mice. This drug effective soon, if take timely, it can prevent any symptoms. Test results showed that the virus is hindered DRACO, which means it can prevent infection in the first time disease. UK experts very appreciate this major breakthrough, but they warned that, in this special way drug effects, considering put it to human testing before, must spend more time to study, to ensure safety.
1) and not familiar with partner sexual with must use a condom on his own, but to protect condom is not everything. There's mastercard, if both sides with the body fluids of pathogens in each other around her genitals residual, also can be infected.

2) in before having sex, should do the clean work, don't wash their hands or not to clean genital sex is also increased the risk of infection.

3) if involves to the relevant problems of blood test, must go to normal hospital blood, avoid pathogen spread through the blood.

4) now many families and office, public toilet seat cushion used have toilet, seat cushion undeniable is a kind of important infect venereal way, if want to use, also should use a disposable seat cushion, reduce the possibility of infection.

5), but no longer compulsory check-ups although hospital experts special suggested that everyone should consciously to examination before marriage, especially venereal it a examination, didn't check venereal check-ups equal to no check-ups.

The incubation period can be you infected

The disease is still have very strong contagious, patients very worried about the infection to your side, so Beijing famous venereal disease experts say: genital herpes in the incubation period will not have infectivity? What kind of treatment, will be better?
Believe that as long as know a little medical knowledge will know that genital herpes, because this kind of venereal disease in a high incidence of clinically. In recent years, according to the survey found genital herpes also can spread in incubation period. What's this all about?
Genital herpes virus in the incubation period of the spinal cord is exist in nerve, physical can not have any symptoms, but this time, the virus will have already have infectivity. And after a herpes, there will be the tingling, difficulty during urination, skin decay and small wound, and symptoms of blisters, serious when bubbles will of the water, let the affected part and pain have itchy.
Genital herpes venereal disease is caused by viruses, divided into type 1 and type 2, appeared in the lip or nasal weeks of herpes type 1, and often appear in the genital herpes often for type 2. It can also be the scope of the infection involving the eye, and brain or meningeal. Mainly by infected secretion direct contact with infected. Once infected, cure rate is very low, drug therapy can only treat the symptom, and very likely to repeat with disease, the patients themselves disease condition or nervous and suddenly appeared again.
In the United States, have an average of a quarter of the people have herpes virus lurking in the organ in the body, of which only one 5 of the people know that I've had the herpes. But because the incubation period is not have any symptoms, so in these patients don't know their has infected herpes through sexual contact, when the body fluid exchange will herpes infection to others. Thus, visible for genital herpes must cause people to a high degree of attention.
If sex with facial herpes attack, should avoid to oral sex. Without symptoms, although infections during discharge poison has no obvious, but can be detected is contagious virus particle emissions. Asymptomatic detoxification can't know in advance, but now known asymptomatic detoxification time accounts for at least 5% of asymptomatic stage.

3) a few cases, long-term relationship may, in the spouse first appeared herpes symptoms. Usually this is due to the spouses of the one party or both parties consist of HSV carriers, but they did not realize this. Herpes doesn't indicate that happen suddenly is the newly spouse from outside relationships outside marriage or the others infect on the disease.

Do a series of antiviral experiments with mice

The researchers published in the latest issue of the public library of science on the comprehensive volume "wrote in their report, test of 15 virus, found that of all of them effective DRACO. The 15 kinds of virus causes the common cold nose including virus H1N1 influenza virus, dengue fever, and several hemorrhagic fever virus.
"In theory, it (DRACO) to all virus effective," the Massachusetts institute of technology's official website 10, led the research institute, citing a senior research fellow at the Lincoln laboratory Michael ladd words, "it may report for some virus is invalid, but we still have not found."
The researchers said, DRACO also may heal measles, cold sores, rabies or even kill the AIDS virus. Because have a broad spectrum sex, it or can resist new virus outbreak. DRACO work fast, if take timely, can rise to prevent disease role.
Virus resistant not easily
The current antiviral drugs less species, a kind of medicine usually only for one or several virus, and easy to let the virus to produce the drug resistance. Stanford university microbiology and immunology professor kara kirk plus DE think, "virus is good at resistance of the drug used to fight them, but this time, to fight the not so easy." The report said, the researchers in mice H1N1 influenza virus in a experiment, with good, also shows that DRACO itself to the mouse is harmless.
1) is the natural reservoir of herpes, genital herpes main means of transmission is and genital herpes cases sexual contact, has herpes history and no symptoms of infection is the carrier.

2) people getting herpes, whether in has herpes after the onset of the symptoms, or without symptoms, all can be contagious. For patients with the onset of herpes appeared, whether facial herpes or genital herpes, from the attack began to last the ulcer healing, all should think is contagious. Face no herpes lesions (such as cold sores) is also a kind of infection, can spread through oral sex.

Aug 12, 2011

Oral herpes simplex should identify with the following disease

1. The mouth inflammation type KouChuang: damage for scattered over the course of a single small ulcers, again and again, it isn't hair blister period, ulcer amount is more, distributed mainly in the oral cavity inside the degree of the mucous membrane of the poor, do not cause gingivitis in, children, without skin damage rare.
2. Trigeminal nerve shingles: by chicken pox is a shingles caused by virus facial skin and oral mucosa of ill cutting. Larger, herpes blister gathered clusters, and along the trigeminal nerve branch are arranged in ribbon, but not more than center line. The pain was severe, or even damage after a period in healing in pain still. The disease can occur at any age, many no longer recurrence after healing.
3. Hand, foot and mouth disease: is due to infection coxsackie virus A16, A5, A10 and intestinal type EV71 virus caused by skin mucous membrane of the disease. Symptoms include fever, sleepy precursor with local lymph node enlargement, and then in the oral cavity mucous membrane, palms, appear in a scattered blister, pimples and macula, any number. Around the macula is no obvious tenderness, flush and its central for small blister, skin blisters dry after a few days scabby. Oral damage widely distributed in lip and cheek, tongue, palatal the place such as the beginning, when many small blister, quickly became a ulcer, the 5 ~ 10 future healing. But according to the domestic and foreign material, and other intestinal virus causes of hand, foot and mouth disease than from the type of infection EV71 caused severe infections disease larger proportion, and higher mortality, severe case fatality ratio of 10% ~ 25%, and should be taken seriously.
Around the world, about 50 million people have herpes labiali. If you for a long time at work overload condition, with the possibility of lips herpes would increase.
Countermeasures: found a blister symptoms, use first ice packs apply 10 minutes, then 5 minutes away, and 2 times, can restrain blister swelling; And then put some tea tree oil. In addition, taking 1000 mg lysine every day (three times) served, also can make blister contraction become dry.
4. Herpes sex angina: by coxsackie virus A4 caused by the oral herpes, clinical manifestation is like damage acute blain mouth inflammation sex drain rash, but prodromal stage symptoms and systemic response are lighter, the distribution of the damage is limited to the oral cavity, such as the soft palate, tonsils, place, for uvulae bunches of small cluster clusters blister, soon collapse broke to ulcer, damage rarely hair at the front, gums oral damage, the course of about seven days.
5. Pleomorphism erythema: of erythema is an exudative group skin and mucous membrane, involving to target shape or iris shape erythema of acute inflammation for typical lesions of disease of skin mucous membrane. Inducing factors include infection, drug, but also some can not find significant incentives. Mucosal hyperemia edema, sometimes visible erythema and blister.
But soon, the blister burst the most common disease for large area erosion. Surface erosion has a large exudate form of false film thickness. Damage to easily bleeding in labial ministry often form, with thick black purple XieJia.

After the oviposit period how also can not sleep

The tensions are primary sources of migraine. Usually 10 women of different degree with a migraine, but the people with migraine, only half will be sought treatment. People have different views on the cause of migraine, generally speaking, if you feel around eyes and pain, nausea, probably migraine precursor.
Countermeasures: first should not rely on analgesic drugs, lest reduce after a growing headache. The right way is: last months take the medicine twice a week, form laws, and gradually reduce medication, such as number four days or 7 days time; Second, can add some vitamin B2 prevention; Finally, but also pay attention to eat less cheese, wine, nuts and meat food.
Of course, in this series of preventive measures, don't forget to have long before the table at the computer have for a change of air, extend limb opportunity, even if it is 5 minutes.
Three: insomnia symptoms
Insomnia is always with the pressure and the burden of aggravating and worse. And the women, the most easily of physiology cycle insomnia. The situation is usually a oviposit period be sleepiness oviposit period to, and then how also can not sleep.
Countermeasures: one hour before bed eating a small amount of Turkey, cheese or tuna salad, drink a cup of milk, but don't eat sweets before bedtime.
Most cases according to clinical manifestations, diagnosis can be made. Such as primary infection in infant acute attack, the whole body reaction, heavy, oral cavity mucous membrane of any part of the lips and around the clusters can appear small blister. Blister, oral cavity mucous membrane formation after the shallow ulcer, mouth skin formation scabby week. Recurrent infections adults see more, light body reaction. In the bickering, and lip margins and skin appear typical clusters of small blister.
If still can not sleep, don't count sheep to force myself to do the game, not equal to up practice yoga. Experienced the whole night suffer from insomnia, the second day after the pain can do remedial work, must be trying to take a nap at noon.

The virus to ether and lipid solvent particularly sensitive

Herpes simplex virus is divided into Ⅰ type and Ⅱ type two kinds, Ⅰ type herpes disease mainly through the respiratory tract, skin and mucous membrane close contact transmission, infection waist over parts of the skin mucous membrane and organs.
Such as those that cause oral mucosa, nose vestibule, eye mucous, throat inflammation and herpes, mouth and mouth is happening around 99% by Ⅰ, herpes type is caused by the herpes simplex virus infection. Ⅱ type of herpes simplex virus exists mainly in the cervix, vagina, vulvae female and male penis skin, urethra, place, is a cause of genital herpes and inflammation of the culprit. Here we are mainly discusses Ⅱ herpes simplex virus type.
By simple herpes virus can cause genital herpes. In a foreign country, the incidence of genital herpes in STD only gonorrhea and syphilis in the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases, third, caused by virus in a sexually transmitted disease in up first.
Human beings are the only herpes simplex virus natural host, the crowd infection-90%, 10% up to 80 without symptoms.
Herpes simplex virus infection symptoms
Organ in the contact, herpes simplex virus lurking about 2 to 20 days (average six days), have immunodeficiency or immune function is not complete, such as application immune inhibitors, kidney transplant, serious burns, and severe malnutrition, blood and lymph system malignant tumor patient after infection such as symptom aggravating, can appear herpes sex eczema, recurrent corneal ulcer, even the whole body of herpes and deadly spread. Herpes simplex virus infection 1-3 weeks after the body produces and antibodies and combined with antibody, the remaining complement to the virus may peripheral nerve the nerve shaft into the trigeminal ganglion (Ⅰ type of herpes simplex virus) or di ganglion (Ⅱ type of herpes simplex virus), and long-term latent, into state of rest. When some inducing factors such as anxiety, mental trauma, catch cold catch cold, insolation, hair dryer, trauma, infection, drug allergy, high fever, menstruation, pregnancy and destroy the body's physiological balance, nerve cells appear in the specific virus proliferation transcriptase, activate the virus and cause recrudesce, humoral antibody and can't stop the herpes simplex virus recurrence and cellular immune to have a major impact on weakened recurrence.
Although menses is easy, but must pay attention toothache is: women should avoid tooth menstrual period!
Period headache
Modern medical research is that, in menstrual period in women, estrogen and progesterone secretion disorders are the root cause of headache period. Oral MaiJiaoAn caffeine, oryzanol or take yuan hu painkillers, flavored free and unfettered pills all have certain curative effect.
Menstrual rash
Every menstrual cramps before 2 ~ 3 days itchy skin, appeared herpes, lupus or happen purpura, etc. Rash occurs more often in facial, chest, back and limbs and other parts, with menstruation ends, and rash and itching of the symptoms will not cure and more. On the menstrual rash is heavy, the effects of sleep person, can oral g can, plug, more sensitive toward's sensitivity drug desensitization.