Sep 15, 2011

Share tableware infection

Like drew a map of the same. Usually, the tongue surface sink down a. Tongue don't need treatment will map self-healing, but if there is pain, can eat some relief and antiphlogistics.

But it is very funny, although cold sores in the next few days will disappear. Can dip in with cotton swabs some vaseline besmear is on top, and try to prevent much. But if repeated attacks, need to go to a hospital checking.

2 oral ulcer.

General raised blisters with a white shape, any part in the mouth may be it hit. And with pain.

Such as allergies, infection, fatigue or lack of vitamins, cause oral ulcer causes a lot of. Usually will continue after a week or two can heal, but if continue to time is long, repeated attacks of shall timely seek medical advice. Weak brine rinse your mouth, multi-purpose at ordinary times can effectively prevent oral ulcer.

A round or oval. The red edge, spleen and stomach type heat KouChuang disease product see your breath or within the gum and cheek place such as the soft palate has yellowish-white ranging the decay spots. Pain can't eat and the emergence of be agitated thirsty, childhood red, defecate dry.

Exposure to a half dry, appropriate USES the method of carambola detoxification treatment. Commonly used sugar stains watermelon meat: put a watermelon meat to the son, and cut into strips. Add sugar agitate pickled, again insolate to dry, add sugar a little can.

Fresh wax gourd, 500 g heart-qi type KouChuang disease see tongue erosion or ulcer, color red pain, eating difficult, fidgety often cry, dry mouth to drink, urinate short red. Appropriate USES the method of discharge are hot treatment. Lotus leaf winter melon soup: every time a piece with fresh lotus leaf. And add water to boil soup seasoning salt plus, drink soup feeds wax gourd.

3. Thrush.

Like snowflakes, caused by fungus infection layer of red patches. Multiple buccal tongue, the soft palate and lip of the department of mucous membrane, infant's most prone to infection.

Children love to bite, bottle fingers nipple is not complete disinfection. Breast-feeding, the mother of the nipple is not clean source of infection. In addition, temporary antibiotic drugs of old people and easy. After the illness had better go to a hospital do oral overall check.

Visible at lips, drain, palatal, tongue, tonsils, pharynx, esophagus and throat or nasal for single or multiple, ulcer. Two-tone ulcer, superficial red pain is lighter, a few weeks from the can. Leave scar. But deep ulcer may have obvious redness and swelling pain with dysphagia and obviously bad breath, after the leave scar.

Actually refers to the surface of the tongue on the floe black thing. Temporary smoke, drink, tea or coffee, this is a kind of image of the parable. And do not pay home remedies for cold sores attention to the mouth clean are easy to appear.

Will cause other oral disease. So when brushing your teeth, temporary so. Brush the best coating on the tongue, after drinking coffee and tea, can rinse your mouth out, to suppress bacteria breeding.

6. Map tongue.

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