Sep 30, 2011

Lack of sleep or when the immune system by inhibiting

Cold sores prevention and cure measures:

Keep dry affected part

If cold sores is not too serious, might as well just don't take it. But to ensure that cold sores dry, if appear, should see a doctor, the abscess in order to determine the extent of the bacterial infections.

Change a toothbrush

Herpes simplex virus can living with a toothbrush, make you up for a while in the rebound again after infection. When you discover that you began to have virus infection, should will lose. Toothbrush If you still grow cold sores, should be in blister lost after the formation of the toothbrush. So can prevent to produce multiple herpes. Once the herpes fully recovered, and in a toothbrush.
Peanuts, also known as the "peanuts", because of its nourish compensation, prolong life effect, so people will become and the "ChangShengGuo", and and soybean together is known as "plant meat" and "element of the blue". The peanut is a rich nutritional protein oil crops, its protein content reaches as high as 30%.

The nutrition value and animal food eggs, milk, lean lean to rival, and animal food than more easily absorbed by human body use. Nutrition experts tell us, in a healthy diet plan, peanuts played an important role. The United States, Britain, Australia and other countries of the nutrition experts have proved by experiments, peanuts and peanut products aging, improve memory, against cancer can play a very good effect.
Keep dry toothbrush

Wet toothbrush with damp bathroom, exactly the herpes simplex expected comfortable environment. The water will help increase the service life of the virus in the toothbrush. Therefore, we suggest that tooth brush in a dry place.

Use small dose of toothpaste

Toothpaste itself will not spread disease. But if you will contact the pressure in the oral toothbrush openings of toothpaste, will because contact and the spread of diseases. Use small dose of toothpaste, how to treat cold sorescan let you more often change toothpaste.

Use vaseline protection

You can be in cold sores with some vaseline to be protected. Avoid contact with the cold sores to the finger touch again into the vaseline, can use cotton swabs blotted out.


Ice can reduce inflammation.

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever wonder if there is cure to Herpes? Yes there is cure with Dr Noah healing traditional remedy kindly contact Dr Noah if you are suffering from any disease via Call/Text +1 310 982-4670,
