Sep 30, 2011

Lack of sleep or when the immune system by inhibiting

Cold sores prevention and cure measures:

Keep dry affected part

If cold sores is not too serious, might as well just don't take it. But to ensure that cold sores dry, if appear, should see a doctor, the abscess in order to determine the extent of the bacterial infections.

Change a toothbrush

Herpes simplex virus can living with a toothbrush, make you up for a while in the rebound again after infection. When you discover that you began to have virus infection, should will lose. Toothbrush If you still grow cold sores, should be in blister lost after the formation of the toothbrush. So can prevent to produce multiple herpes. Once the herpes fully recovered, and in a toothbrush.
Peanuts, also known as the "peanuts", because of its nourish compensation, prolong life effect, so people will become and the "ChangShengGuo", and and soybean together is known as "plant meat" and "element of the blue". The peanut is a rich nutritional protein oil crops, its protein content reaches as high as 30%.

The nutrition value and animal food eggs, milk, lean lean to rival, and animal food than more easily absorbed by human body use. Nutrition experts tell us, in a healthy diet plan, peanuts played an important role. The United States, Britain, Australia and other countries of the nutrition experts have proved by experiments, peanuts and peanut products aging, improve memory, against cancer can play a very good effect.
Keep dry toothbrush

Wet toothbrush with damp bathroom, exactly the herpes simplex expected comfortable environment. The water will help increase the service life of the virus in the toothbrush. Therefore, we suggest that tooth brush in a dry place.

Use small dose of toothpaste

Toothpaste itself will not spread disease. But if you will contact the pressure in the oral toothbrush openings of toothpaste, will because contact and the spread of diseases. Use small dose of toothpaste, how to treat cold sorescan let you more often change toothpaste.

Use vaseline protection

You can be in cold sores with some vaseline to be protected. Avoid contact with the cold sores to the finger touch again into the vaseline, can use cotton swabs blotted out.


Ice can reduce inflammation.

Sep 26, 2011

Chest CT examination and fiber to identify a microscopic

1. Lung cancer center lung cancer and hilar lymph node tuberculosis similar, peripheral lung cancer and tuberculosis should identify the ball. See more lung cancer over 40 years old men who smoke more irritating cough, intermittent phlegm blood; Peripheral lung cancer lesions, have clear edge cut trace and burr. And n/med tuberculosis kitchen often calcified, a satellite around kitchen. "Meat test negative, n/med tuberculosis much more than the cancer; positive Carcinoma antigen tumor increased when the embryo. Phlegm n/med tuberculosis bacterium, cytology, chest CT examination and fiber to identify a microscopic.
13, weight loss, the body is virtual force weak. 14, it is not easy to home remedies for cold sores sleep, many dreams to wake; 15, morning would not up and day often slumber;

16, local numbness, hand and foot easy cold; 17, palm axillary sweat, dry mouth, tongue is parched 18, feel mild fever, night sweats night has;

19, waist sour backache, to break out; 20, tongue born white moss, bad breath since birth; 21, your breath ulcer, repeatedly occurred;

22, taste is ineffective, loss of appetite; 23, the sour gas, indigestion; 24, will dilute constipation, abdominal full bilge;

25, easy to have a cold, lip up herpes; 26 and a blocked or watery nose, throat pain; 27, suffocating shortness of breath, breathing urgent;
2. Pneumonia bacteria pneumonia need and dairy pneumonia identification: disease, in addition to rush bacterial pneumonia (high fever, shivers outside, lip has herpes, cough rust color phlegm, sputum n/med tuberculosis bacterium of negative, sensitive antibiotic treatment is effective. Mycoplasma pneumonia and allergic to pneumonia and infiltrating type tuberculosis early identification. The mycoplasma pneumoniae cough violent, erythromycin or the effective treatment tetracycline showed. And hypersensitivity pneumonitis in lung shadow wander, blood acidophilus increased neutrophils, corticosteroids for effective.

3. Lung abscess with empty to identify, the former type tuberculosis is history, have disease nasty, suck a high fever, cough, sputum n/med tuberculosis bacterium phlegm sepsis smelly negative, antibiotic treatment is effective.

4. Bronchiectasis need and chronic fiber empty type, the former have tuberculosis identify chronic cough, cough a lot phlegm, repeatedly haemoptysis history, X-ray chest radiograph, or no abnormal or lung texture in the thick, curly hair samples, sputum n/med tuberculosis bacterium, negative shadow chest CT help diagnosis and, when necessary, bronchial imaging can be sure.

Sep 25, 2011

Because this is a kind of is the close contact with saliva switched

Kiss the disease, is to because this is a kind of saliva switched the close contact. In other words, the saliva, breath, the mouth is pathogenic bacteria key. For example, cold sores is herpes simplex virus type 1 in on the lips of masterpiece-white water left Pao, it can spread through kiss.

The truth: HIV/AIDS, hepatitis b and can spread through kiss? This is a problem worth dwell on. In general, the main AIDS through sexual contact, blood and maternal and infant three ways to spread. Although in saliva will also has the AIDS virus, but no kissing the spread of AIDS cases home remedies for cold sores were reported. The reasons may be found in saliva HIV content below them to cause infection. Hepatitis b is the mode of transmission, including maternal and infant, widely some blood transfusion, close contact and sexually transmitted, French kissing or be bitten may have also spread hepatitis b.


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Coke would "kill fine"? The ten telltale fierce health rumor

Rumors 2: coke "kill fine"
1, mental stress and anxiety; 2, lonely, depressed, melancholy inferiority 3 and the distraction, thinking superficial;

4 and excitement, no matter from vexed; 5, memory impairment, and an acquaintance forget name; 6, interest becomes weak, desire fell sharply;

7, lazy in communication, emotional distress; 8, at-risk weakness, easy tired eyes; 9, energy down, and sluggish;

10, dazed head goes up, is not easy to recover; 11, long the station dizziness, dizzy dazzled; 12 members, honey, too;
2008 years of the ig Nobel "particularly remarkable, a very important reason is" chemical "award is granted a people are very concerned about the research: coke will ever kill essence. In fact, "coke kill fine" is the most influential "urban legend" one. Believe that all people are all more or less heard several times that story.

Sep 23, 2011

We all know that no ailment hospital

Are about to consider to use antibiotics to prevent the bacterial sinus infections. 6. Sinus pain: don't rely on antibiotics or steroid nasal sprays of. Use a little including physiological saline can remove the nasal spray nose and bacteria; Contain false jute alkali decongestant tablets can rapidly shrinking infection of the blood vessels. But if symptoms continue to increase, and a week or a fever.

Will comfort the secretion of stomach acid, 2. More stomachache: don't drink juice and coffee. Aggravated symptoms. Also don't eat protein content difficult digest foods, such as meat. Salads and fruit will absolutely forbidden. The best is hot bubble point fresh ginger drink, can relieve symptoms.

Will let the wounds become dry, 3. Lacerate: 10 million don't daub hydrogen peroxide or with alcohol disinfection. Slow recovery. Don't squash with the hand, touch the injured area, it will lead to bacterial infection, or even a scar. Better use the soap water cleaning, can effectively prevent infection, then daub diminish inflammation of the ointment, package gauze, let the injured area insist on wet, be helpful for rapid cell growth.

Strong bones and muscles. Osteoporosis is bone tissue damage of microstructure, efficacy indications: the kidney essence fill. Bone mineral composition and bone matrix of proportion, bone from time to become thinner, and reduce the quantity of hone trabecula, GuCuiXing increase and the increased risk of bone fracture of a kind of whole body bone metabolism barrier disease.

The python without end, disaster, however. Be captured in a frightened it lay eggs, severe deformity oral ulcer and chronic bronchopneumonia also because pregnancy is not timely treatment. Lucky 1 pythons baby finally win hatch, for mother's promotion pythons condition improved.

TCM syndrome differentiation type of liver and kidney deficiency. See the waist ache in his cold sores treatment  own home, used to treat osteoporosis. Sufficient with pain, leg abdomen cramps, encounter the aggravating, companion is giddy tinnitus, brothers, be agitated irritable heart fever, night sweats, hot tongue qualitative slant red, moss less, pulse sink count.

Recurrent oral ulcer treatment prescription (kidney blood stasis)

Or use the same cup to drink water, 4. Cold sores: don't and others were to eat the same thing. Don't do kissing wait too close motion, because herpes virus can infect. Had better use some vaseline, adhere to the skin moist, prevent weather-shack.

The former will hinder the growth of cold sores treatment cells, 5. Minor burns: 10 million don't scribble alcohol and sesame oil. The latter is easy to cause infection. Should immediately a cold compress or use cool water wash, and then put on some vaseline, put on the bandage.

Tongluo pain. Can be used for the treatment of osteoporosis, efficacy indications: kidney remove stasis. TCM syndrome differentiation of kidney empty and blood stasis syndrome. Clinical disease see hip, ankle and coccyx local needle bayonet sample pain, quick cut fixed not move, particularly at night, lumbar debility weakness, tongue have bruises, petechiae, and, pulse sink acerbity.

Sep 22, 2011

Usually every 4-5 adults will have a people suffer from the disease

Abdominal strands of lymph node also can appear pain and swelling. The early cases in the first week of will appear fever, headache or aches and similar influenza symptoms.
One can cause around your mouth ulcer (herpes simplex, cold sores, cold sores) the other is caused by genital herpes.
Acetanilide detumescence. Used in the treatment of recurrent oral ulcer, efficacy indications: carambola detoxification. TCM syndrome differentiation of product type heat glove. Disease oral canker, convex, see a point flake, searing pain, eating what speech more and constipation, tongue quality, moss yellow, red dry pulse number.
After feeling the wind, fire, dry evil, experts comment on: more with the spicy food and drink, temporary how to treat cold soresmalnutrition, diet structure simple, loss of appetite, life not the law and chronic infection caused by hot glove product.home remedies for cold sores  The fire, fire and hot and at the inflammation, hot mouth muscle membrane is corruption canker, convex, a point flake, searing pain, eating what more speech. Or because oral unclean, bite, and poison to step in and the evil.
Or just feel genital parts a little discomfort. Many women in people with herpes infection in all to no symptoms.
Even extends to the vagina. This kind of ulcer often make patients feel the pain and the itch, some patients around the vagina can appear herpes blisters) or (ulcer. And often accompanied by reproductive parts (vulva) to become red and swollen.
Even if not to let his voice more than words. In the second year after the sick, and let him try to speak. Let the husband every day training, the third year after illness stand on its own, her husband can finally taken the first home remedies for cold sores  step. Her husband fell ill, feel days is falling down, fortunately, son, and finally very sensible it through.
Before that, many women urinate ulcer will feel pain. May be mistaken as bladder infection.
Ulcer is less to last for a week, the early onset. But usually for two to three weeks, when the old ulcer healing began, new ulcer then and again.

Sep 20, 2011

She concerned about your health

Partners may have infected a lot of some time in the temporary relationship in the partner will check out the genital herpes after suspected that he have cheating. But that is not necessarily really so first don't charged.

But don't let it happen in the relationship. No good thing impunity "is often the harsh life side.

Feeling is very important also. If you and your partner to have sex or sexual intimacy discomfort, of course. Is also understandable shall have the right to feel like that.

Root of herbaceous peony, angelica, altogether, Dan skin every 15 g, prescription: cultivated land 20 grams. Yellow fine 10 grams, river xiong, cortex phellodendri each 6 g, 3 g roasted liquorice medical education nets collection arrangement.

Daily 1 agent. Local ulcer surface apply to this party Chinese medicine powder. Usage: water frying three times of clothing.

And don't say you relationship neutral partial or is not the question. Out But think about you can choose to risk of infection is very low close way.

But can the reduction of as far as possible through the use of condoms when in sexual contact and in preventing sex partner has symptoms to reduce the chance of infection. Of course even safer sexual contact and there will always be some risk.

Try not to jump to conclusions solution genital herpes.

Kidney failure is one of them. Expert introduction, chronic renal failure have what symptom natural immune balance system "kidney disease treatment effect seminar? There are a lot of disease now kidney disease. Chronic renal failure will be divided into different according to the illness, now is the time to introduce the early symptoms of chronic renal failure what!!!!

Can self-taught genital herpes the knowledge of the respect, Shanghai by expert introduction: if your partner can't explain it to your satisfaction. Will find it doesn't look so serious, and it can be the party has genital herpes of sex of a good and the good relations.

Sep 19, 2011

She concerned about your health

Partners may have infected a lot of some time in the temporary bad breath causes relationship in the partner will check out the genital herpes after suspected that he have cheating. But that is not necessarily really so first don't charged.

But don't let it happen in the relationship. No good thing impunity "is often the harsh life side.

Feeling is very important also. If you and your partner to have sex or sexual intimacy discomfort, of course. Is also understandable shall have the right to feel like that.

Root of herbaceous peony, angelica, altogether, Dan skin every 15 g, prescription: cultivated land 20 grams. Yellow fine 10 grams, river xiong, cortex phellodendri each 6 g, 3 g roasted liquorice medical education nets collection arrangement.

Daily 1 agent. Local ulcer surface apply to this party Chinese medicine powder. Usage: water frying three times of clothing.

And don't say you relationship neutral partial or is not the question. Out But think about you can choose to risk of infection is very low close way.

But can the reduction of as far as possible through the use of condoms when in sexual contact and in preventing sex partner has symptoms to reduce the chance of infection. Of course even safer sexual contact and there will always be some risk.

Try not to jump to conclusions solution genital herpes.

Kidney failure is one of them. Expert introduction, chronic renal failure have what symptom natural immune balance system "kidney disease treatment effect seminar? There are a lot of disease now kidney disease. Chronic renal failure will be divided into different according to the illness, now is the time to introduce the early symptoms of chronic renal failure what!!!!

Can self-taught genital herpes the knowledge of the respect, Shanghai by expert introduction: if your partner can't explain it to your satisfaction. Will find it doesn't look so serious, and it can be the party has genital herpes of sex of a good and the good relations.